“Doug is truly gifted in his craft and his healing work is nothing short of magical. His healings helped to rewire my mind, body & spirit — I recommend him most highly to anybody ready to get to their next level!!”

— Anna Y. - Psychiatrist & Executive Coach

“Doug has a masterful intuition of how to connect to the water and how to unlock wisdom in your body.  I was able to truly surrender with him. I am a practitioner of medicine and it was beautiful being held so thoughtfully. This was one of the most interesting and illuminating experiences I have ever had.”

— Desi V. - Spiritual Coach & Musician

"Doug creates a cocoon of safety and wonder in his Water Therapy work. I sought Doug’s work as a somatic healing technique for trauma work and have been reveling in the visions and relief the safety of his process helped me access since. There is a specific softness to him and his work."

- Francesca C - Psychologist

“A sacred, soul stirring experience that allowed me to release old wounds & deeply ingrained behavior patterns. As I submerged in the water, I felt a profound surrender & liberation from the past. I used to fear water. The Ceremony helped me to overcome this fear & develop a deeper connection with water & made me more compassionate to everything around me.”

- Cristina C. - Kundalini Teacher

“I experienced a profound Rebirth by releasing pain in my body. He helped me recreate a state of peace, flow and safety. Being in the water with him showed me how to allow love to work through me. Highly recommend!”

- Bryant W. - Motivational Speaker, Health Coach

“I didn’t know how stressed I was, until I became unstressed thru this process. It was an epiphany! I think leaving the water with Doug was the first time I had ever experienced not being stressed. I thought I was my stress. I have tried countless modalities of self-care and healing, but this one actually worked- and I am so thankful! Doug is magic, and his work with the water is nothing short of a Miracle. Thank you Doug!”

- Amy D. - Professional Matchmaker & Love Coach

“I watched Doug's Rebirthing work with another woman who was glowing when she completed her session and I got curious how I could feel that way.

Being dragged around in the water and giving up control appeared to be freeing and glorious. My experience had deep layers having flashbacks into the womb. The feeling of safety and serenity in the warm water was yummy. I also experienced moments I can only guess we’re releasing trauma from the birthing experience. I stayed with it as long as I could knowing there is more deeper work to be done here. I was completely unaware this work existed but have always known I have some healing to do with my connection to being underwater and holding my breath. Thank you Doug for opening up this healing portal I was unaware of.”

- Whitney K. - Entrepreneur

“Doing a Water Ceremony with Doug was an unexpectedly profound and playful experience. 

Doug has a sensitivity and attentiveness that made me feel safe, and I appreciated the continuity of his medicine songs through the experience. 

There were moments of deep processing my relationship with my parents; moments of return to the wombspace in a way that is unprecedented in my life; moments of surging energy, where I literally felt like I was flying through wormholes into new dimensions, far reaches of the known universe; moments of total surrender; & soothing moments of flow, where I was completely in my body.”

- Jake W. - Filmmaker

“Doug's nature and personality allowed me to feel very safe, so I was able to fully embody a womb-like experience. In my ceremony I was able to connect and release my mothers fear of water. Re-experiencing what it felt like to be in the womb was a necessary part of my life-path.”

- Angela L - Neuroscientist, Love & Sex Therapist

"Water Rebirthing with Doug came at the perfect moment. I felt perfectly safe with his guidance and support. I felt my nervous system completely relax. Highly recommended in our high strung world, this practice of caring for yourself.”

- Ryan W. - Spiritual Teacher, Coach & Podcaster

“The Water Ceremony experience was truly one of a kind. It was a surprisingly deep & profound experience. I was reminded of psychedelic states in some moments. Other moments my soul just wanted to sing, while in others I felt as if I was dying but in the best of ways & then Reborn.

I felt safe, held and was just in a pure state of experiencing blissful feelings. Such a deep state of being that is hard to come by. I am wildly grateful for Doug’s caring dedication and would recommend anyone to try it.”

- Connie C. - Entrepreneur

“My experience of the Water Ceremony was of re-birth. A gentle, but profound re-birthing. Doug is a master of bringing both magic and incredible safety to a totally new experience with water. There is nothing else like this.”

- Maura G. - Embodiment Coach

“Doug's ability to hold space and facilitate the transformative energy, memory, and rejuvenation of the water is truly magical. The closing shamanic ceremony was also just as transformative. It was a powerful release that I look forward to doing again, an opportunity to be reborn over & over into the present moment (the only moment that matters).”

- Sophia P. - Leadership Executive

“The Water Rebirthing Ceremony was one of the most powerful, beautiful, surrendered things I could have ever allowed myself to flow through. It's a gateway to deeper vulnerability and intimacy within oneself. I would highly recommend this to anyone who feels like they want to release things that no longer serve them in a very unique and unexpected way. It's a clearing, it's a cleansing, it's a healing. ” 

- Victory J. - Soundhealing Practitioner, Recording Artist

“Letting my body go into another man's hands wasn't easy because of childhood trauma. In my session, I experienced a somatic release and movement beyond my understanding, primal screams in the water that went far back and deep into parts of my body that needed to be freed. I came out of the water moved, open hearted and lighter. Truly a profound healing experience.”

- Carlitos - Social Entrepreneur, Business Leader

“First of all I want to say THANK YOU. Because it really was magical for me. The way you took care of me from the beginning - listening and taking into consideration what I say during preparation - til the end where I feel like I can really just melt & not care about anything at all because you hoe space for me. 

Really grateful for that. During the floating the fact that you were singing and holding me enabled me to work on my father trauma. I shared with you that my dad died when I was 3 years old. So since I acknowledged his role in my life (around 2 years ago) I am grieving with different, organic volumes. I never had a safe, loving male figure in my life so you providing clean masculine energy connected me to my dad and filled a space that has never been filled before. Thank you. Really beautiful step in my process. I also think it got me ready to face the topic of abortion that was coming to the surface for some time now and I just was not ready to acknowledge it. I have a personal experience with it that is very hard for me to deal with. Again, thank you. You really listened and you were open for feedback, adjustments along the journey which was super nice and also empowered the feeling of safety. :)“

- Sonia A. - Regenerative Specialist

“I had a wonderful water Re-Birthing session with Doug. I was able to fully relax, let go, and felt safe as Doug masterfully held me, ensuring I was in flow. I would definitely have another session with him and highly recommend others to work with him.

He integrates shamanic healing arts into his practice in a genuinely sweet and loving manner.  I believe our session facilitated a genuine transformation in my being — a transformation that feels clear, effortless, and enjoyable. I'm releasing something personal from my life and this change feels so natural, positive, and nourishing for my soul.”

- Daniel R. - Entrepreneur, Business Leader

“My Water Rebirthing Ceremony with Doug was my first experience with this modality and I am still in AWE. I have a light fear of drowning and wanted to deeper dive into my feminine flow through this. My experience was beyond magical.

Doug held a very safe container in which I could completely trust, surrender and move through anything that came up. So much changed for me after this work. I was able to find my confidence on another level. Feeling so held by the creator. Thank you Doug!”

- Isabelle G - Integration Coach, Transformation Facilitator

“Doug is truly a man of the water. The more I hang around him, the easier it becomes for me to enter, and stay in a flow state.

The first time he had me scream under water, I experienced a tremendous release and ever since I have been implementing the technique into my own practice. As he held and manipulated my body, I had no choice but to enter a state of total surrender. Doug has helped me to remember to stay loose as I continue to be pushed and pulled by the tides of life.”

- Libby K - Entrepreneur